Data Retention, Archiving, and Deletion

Blackboard course and organization sites will remain accessible online for four (4) years and will be backed up offline for two (2) additional years. Multiple times a year, a notice to instructor(s) will be shared 30 days before a course or organization site is removed from Blackboard.

Review and Export Course Materials

If necessary, at any time, faculty can access their courses within Blackboard and export course content to have your own local copy of your course.

Export and Archive Courses (Original)

Export and Archive Courses (Ultra)

Restore Courses Removed from Blackboard

Once archived, courses will remain in storage for two years after they are removed from Blackboard. After two years in storage, they will be permanently deleted. During this time, they can be restored upon request for one semester. Contact the Learning Platforms team to initiate the request.

A detailed overview of our standard operating procedure for Learning Management System Course Data Retention, Archiving, and Deletion is accessible via PolicyStat.
