Comparision of Original and Ultra Course View


The Grade Centre in Ultra Course View has been rebuilt and is now called the Gradebook. The tool has a more modern user experience compared to the Grade Centre in Original. Some of the major new features and limitations in the Gradebook have been highlighted below.

Action Original  Ultra 
Access a grid view of all gradebook items Yes Yes
Access a student list view of all gradebook items No Yes
Automatically add columns tied to assessments in the gradebook Yes Yes
Create manual columns in the gradebook Yes Yes, and these are called 'items' and available via a (plus) + icon in the gradebook.
Ability to add a calculated column Yes Yes, but this has had a significant interface change.
Attach rubrics to manual columns Yes No, rubrics cannot be attached to manual items. If you need to attach rubrics, consider using an assignment, and select offline assessment.
Calculate a total grade via 'Total' column Yes Yes, and this is called the 'Overall Grade' - this is optional and can be set up for each course as required. We recommend not showing this grade to students unless configured.
Email students from gradebook Yes Yes
Email non-submitters from gradebook items No Yes
Make gradebook items visible/hidden in the Gradebook Yes Yes, in the item settings.
Automatically post grades once grades have been entered Yes Yes, but once grades are entered and there is a separate action to post grades to students. Each assessment needs to be configured to automatically post grades.
Enter letter grades directly into the Gradebook Yes No, currently, only point values can be entered directly into the Gradebook, and will require using the grade schema to show a letter grade.
Enter comments and feedback via Gradebook Yes Yes
Download/upload grades and feedback by spreadsheet Yes Yes
Override grade via the gradebook Yes Yes
Access asssessments that needs grading Yes Yes, in both list and grid view.
Access the grade history of the gradebook Yes Yes, via the download option.
Create and use smart views to filter gradebook items Yes Yes, but by using gradebook filters.



The Test tool in Ultra Course View has been rebuilt and has more modern user experience compared to the Test tool in Original. All questions types except, Either/Or, Jumbled Sentence, Opinion Scale/Likert, Ordering, Quiz Bowl, and Short Answer are no longer available. Some of the major new features and limitations in Tests have been highlighted below.

Action Original  Ultra 
Perform item analysis on question types Yes Yes, this is called 'question analysis'.
Add a password to a test for restricted student access Yes Yes, this is now called 'access code.'
Create and deploy a question pool Yes Yes, this is called a question bank.
Create a random block and question set Yes Yes, this is called a question pool.
Provide automatic feedback for correct/incorrect answers Yes Yes
Automatic feedback for each individual answer a student can select Yes No, you can only have one piece of feedback for incorrect answers and one piece of feedback for correct answers.
Manually enter feedback for each student attempt Yes Yes, you can manually add feedback for each student but at the Test level rather than the question level.
Reuse questions from existing tests within the course. Yes Yes, editing questions will not update the same question if used in another test.
Display questions one at a time Yes Yes
Prevent backtracking of questions in a test Yes Yes
Randomise Answers Yes Yes, you can choose to randomise answers for multiple choice/multiple answer questions.
