Add Media Content

To upload a video, audio or image within Blackboard, we recommend leveraging Kaltura. Kaltura is the University's enterprise-level, cloud-based media management platform for storing, publishing, and streaming videos, video collections, and other media, such as images and audio files. Kaltura is also the long-term storage option for Zoom cloud recordings. Kaltura allows you to embed a file across your courses.

Adding Video or Audio Course Materials

  • Video and audio files are frequently uploaded to Blackboard within the 'Add file' feature - however adding large files outside of Kaltura can cause future issues with restoring, or archiving your course.
  • Media content uploaded to Kaltura can be reused across different courses.
  • Kaltura automatically generates captions, and audio transcripts, and also provides a lightweight media editor. For more advanced use, Kaltura can be used to create graded video quizzes.
  • Students can similarly upload media to Kaltura for assignments.
  • More information can be accessed by visiting the Kaltura site at

Add Media Content

Tutorial Course Experience
Sharing Cloud Recordings in Blackboard Learn Original/Ultra
Edit Media Content in Blackboard Learn Original/Ultra
Upload Media Content to Kaltura in Blackboard Learn Original/Ultra
Download Media Content in Blackboard Learn Original/Ultra


Quick Tutorials

From the homepage, Kaltura is located within Blackboard, under 'Tools.'

If you have an Ultra Course View course, to access Kaltura:

  • Access
  • Select ‘Courses’ from the left-hand menu.
  • Click the drop-down for 'Current Courses' to select the current term.
  • Locate and select your course.
  • Select the plus sign under 'Course Content' and select 'Content Market,' and select 'Kaltura Embed.'
  • From here, click 'Add New' then 'Media Upload' or locate an existing media file to 'Save and Embed' within your course.

If you have an Original Course View course, to access Kaltura:

  • Access
  • Select ‘Courses’ from the left-hand menu.
  • Click the drop-down for 'Current Courses' to select the current term.
  • Locate and select your course.
  • In the location where you would like to share the video, select 'Build Content' and select 'Kaltura Embed.'
  • From here, click 'Add New,' then 'Media Upload' or locate an existing media file to 'Save and Embed' within your course.

If you want to have students upload media:

  • Access the assignment or discussion board within the assigned course.
  • Click 'Write Submission' or within the HTML editor, locate the plus icon in the toolbar.
  • Select the plus sign and select 'Content Market,' and select 'Kaltura Embed.'
  • From here, click 'Add New' then 'Media Upload' or locate an existing media file to 'Save and Embed' within your course.
