Office 365 Integrations

Blackboard supports multiple Office 365 integrations such as Teams and OneDrive allowing for collaboration between instructors and students. This allows for better collaboration between your students utilizing all the additional features.

Your CaneID/Institutional account must be used to access these features.

Microsoft Teams

With this integration, you can automatically create a team based on your class roster, upload class materials, set up a class notebook, start a video conferences, or chat. 

Tutorial Course Experience
Microsoft Teams Classes in Blackboard Ultra
Microsoft Teams YouTube Ultra
Microsoft Teams for Education Ultra


With this integration, you can create collaborations using Office 365 documents for students in real time to work together and utilize full Office 365 editor tools.

Tutorial Course Experience
OneDrive Create Content in Ultra Course View Ultra
Create a OneDrive Collaborative Document in Original Course View Original
Add OneDrive Documents to Blackboard Ultra/Original
