View Attendance

If your instructor has assigned attendance grades, and is leveraging the attendance tool, you can view your overall attendance grade and detailed records. Your instructors can use your attendance grade as part of your overall course grade. Also, some programs have attendance policies that require instructors to track the number of class meetings students have missed.

Using Qwickly Attendance Classic in your Course

Tutorial Course Experience
Getting Started with Qwickly Attendance Original & Ultra
Student Records View Original & Ultra
Pin Check-In Mode Overview Original & Ultra

Using Blackboard Attendance in your Course

Tutorial Course Experience
Attendance Grades Original
Check Attendance Grades (Video) Original
Attendance Grades Ultra
Check Attendance Grades (Video) Ultra


  • Your instructor can use your attendance grade in the calculation of your overall grade 
  • If your instructor set up a weighted total and made it available, select the Grading Criteria link which shows how items and categories are weighted. 
  • You can view your overall attendance grade from your activity stream, but you can't access the details. 
