Apply Bulk Changes

There are currently multiple tools available within Blackboard to support bulk actions across courses including Qwickly Course Tools. Qwickly Course Tools is a communication and content management tool that enables instructors to streamline common administrative tasks. Blackboard's Batch Edit or Date Management Tool helps you save time by updating common settings across all content, like visibility and due dates.

Using Qwickly Course Tools

tools menu item and qwickly course tools logo

Streamline your course management with Qwickly Course Tools to help you handle large-scale tasks with just a few clicks. With Qwickly Course Tools' user-friendly interface, you can easily customize settings, update due dates, distribute materials, and communicate updates to your students all at once. Bulk administrative options include:

  • Course Availability
  • Send Announcement
  • Send Email
  • Check Links
  • Create Calendar Event
  • Change Dates
  • Manage Groups
  • Select Language
  • Sort Courses
  • Create Content
  • Manage Courses

Qwickly provides a variety of training resources focused on Qwickly Course Tools focused on these various features:

To access, click 'Tools' from the Base Navigation menu, and click 'Qwickly Course Tools'.

Tutorial Course Experience
Original & Ultra
Original & Ultra


Using Date Management/Batch Edit

The date management feature in Blackboard (Original Course Experience) allows you to easily update content dates when copying or restoring a course from a previous term or calendar year. With Batch Edit (Ultra Course Experience), you can efficiently update common settings, including visibility and due dates, across all course content. Additionally, you can use the tool to delete a selected group of course content.

Tutorial Course Experience


  • Before making bulk changes, you may want to explore and understand the features and functionalities of these tools with test or 'sandbox' courses no longer in use by studennts.
  • Consider the unique requirements, goals, and nuances of each course before applying bulk changes, ensuring a personalized learning experience.
  • Utilize mass communication features for updates and reminders, but prioritize individualized engagement through personalized feedback and discussions to foster student connection and engagement.
