Set Accommodations

When special circumstances arise, you may allow an exception on a specific test or assignment to an individual student. An exception includes additional attempts or extended access, even if the assessment is hidden from other students. An exception overrides the two settings applied to everyone else for that specific assessment only.

Implementing Accommodations Requests

Within Blackboard, a course instructor has the option to provide individual or groups of students either extra time to administer an exam or allow a student to take the exam on a different date and time. To leverage the assessment exceptions tool, an instructor must create a test, and adjust the test options to account for the accomodation. Full information about accommodation requests are available on the Camner Center website.

Set Accommodations in Your Course

Tutorial Course Experience
Test Availability Exceptions Original
Grant Assessment Exceptions in the Ultra Course View Ultra


  • Faculty information for accommodating students in online courses: For online courses, academic accomodation information is provided by the Office of Disability Services.
  • Create groups: Create a group, and using the assessment exceptions tools, bulk add groups of students who may need the same extra time or require accommodations.
