Record Grades

Provide and manage your students’ grades for assignments, tests, discussion posts, journals, and for ungraded items, such as surveys or self tests. Create grade columns for any activities or requirements to grade, such as special projects, participation, or attendance. View attempts for individual assignments, group assignments, SafeAssignments and tests.

View and Record Grades

Keeping track of grades online provides students with more timely feedback, a key to keeping students engaged in the learning experience. Students can view their course grades by logging to Blackboard Learn. As they track their own performance, students can ask questions about grades faster, adjust their efforts to focus on areas in need of attention and even catch errors.

Using Grades in your Course

Tutorial Course Experience
Assign Grades Original
View Grade Details Original
Calculate Grades Original
Grading Tasks Original
Assign Grades Ultra
Grade Assignments with Flexible Grading Ultra
Grade Tests with Flexible Grading Ultra
Flexible Grading Experience Ultra
Calculate Grades Ultra
Grading Tasks Ultra


  • Hide the Grade column in the grade center if grade will be changed.
  • Test your calculations before releasing the grades
