Reuse Content and Copy Courses

If you teach multiple courses, or the same course each semester, you may want to copy content items and assessments between courses to help save time. In your Blackboard courses, you can reuse content from other courses, or copy an entire course.

Copying Courses, Course Materials and Assessments

  • Each semester, course instructors gain access to a course site to import or add content to. The course copy feature allows instructors to copy parts of a course, including assessments (tests, assignments), or copy the entire course into your empty course shell.
  • To copy between courses, a course instructor must be Instructor in both courses, the source (where the original materials reside) and the destination (the course into which the materials will be copied).
  • As assessments are tied to the gradebook, is it necessary to select both the content area the assignment is in, and the grade center columns and settings when performing a course copy.

Reuse Content and Copy Courses

Tutorial Course Experience
Reuse content and copy courses Original
Reuse content and copy courses Ultra
Copy content from other courses Ultra


  • When copying course content, you may receive an error report in your course which will provide details about why the content failed to copy.
  • Alternative approaches may include downloading the files, copying and pasting content that fails to copy.
  • Tests, surveys and pools can also be exported and imported from a course as an alternative option.
