Manage Groups

Collaborative learning tools such as creating and managing groups provide the communication and collaboration tools students need to work with each other.

Create and Manage Groups

An instructor can leverage the Blackboard Groups tool to use for graded assignments, and discussions and for activities beyond assessed work. Auto-assign groups, manually enroll students, or require students to self-enroll in the group. Once groups are created, some group features include:

  • Group discussion boards allows members to communicate as a group, as well as create and manage their own forums.
  • Group journals allow group members to share their thoughts with each other and communicate with the course instructor. Journal entries made in a group journal are visible to all group members and course instructors. Grading is also possible for group journals.
  • Group assignments allows students to submit assignment on behalf of the group, and instructors can provide individual and group grades and feedback.

Using Groups in your Course

Tutorial Course Experience
Create and Manage Groups Original
Import and Export Groups Original
Grade Group Assignments Original
Create Groups Ultra
Manage Groups Ultra
Grade Group Assignments Ultra


  • Start with a very basic, simple group project.
  • Let them have a say in some aspect of group logistics.
  • Let them pick topics or pick a topic from a list you have assembled for them.
  • Have them brainstorm ways to keep each group member accountable. For example, they grade each member of their group on participation and you average the ratings for a participation grade for the project.
  • Have learners develop a schedule and due dates early that is shared with you.
  • Have learners compile a list of how the group work adds value to their learning.
  • Have learners generate study guides, summaries, and worksheets for others based on their new knowledge.
  • Ask for their reflections on the process and how to improve for next time.
